Dota 6 65 Ai Download For Mac

Dota 6 65 Ai Download For Mac

DotA 6.74 Map Download and Changelogs. DotA 6.74 Official Map has just released by icefrog. DotA 6.74 is the next map of DotA 6.73c series. Check out the download links and changelogs of DotA 6.74.

– Changelog DotA Allstars v6.64 AI 0.213-First update to 6.64-Changed the default AI behaviour of creeps and towers to be the same as in the official map.-Fixed the fade on Circles of Protection belonging to other players.-Fixed some numerical errors on Bristleback’s abilities. Download DotA 6.78c AI v1.4e. This is the latest DotA AI map released. It dates from 5-6 months ago and some users from the official forums are saying that it will be the last one. Usually an update was coming within a month since the release of a new official DotA map. But that was not the case for DotA 6.79.


Dota 6.80 AI Map Download News and Update. DotA 6.80c has just released and DotA players are already craving for DotA 6.80 AI for training and playing offline. That’s why we create this page to keep you informed about the latest news of the DotA 6.80 AI.

Dota 6 65 Ai Download For Mac Computer

DotA 2 Patch Changelog :
- Enabled Bane in Captain’s Mode.
- Bane: Fixed the attack timing on when Nightmare gets transfered.
- Bane: Fixed Enfeeble working on Roshan
- Bane: Fixed being unable to attack allied Nightmared heroes to transfer the debuff.
- Bane: Fixed Nightmare being able to transfer to towers and wards.
- Batrider: Fixed being unable to easily pull units over cliffs with Flaming Lasso.
- Batrider: Fixed timing of Firefly damage ticks.
- Batrider: Fixed rounding error with Firefly damage ticks.

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