Keyboard Mapping Tool For Mac

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Here's a guide of keyboard shortcut and automations tools for the Mac.

Keyboard Mapping Tool For Mac Osx

I created aDvorak Keyboard Layoutusing ResEdit on Mac back in 1992, and been using QuicKeys back then, it was the best automation tool. Also many app launchers and keyboard tools over the decades that came and went.On this page, i only list the latest ones that's still available.

Using symbols and a color-coding system, the Pro Tools Custom Keyboard provides a visual map of controls, enabling you to trigger commands and functions with a simple key press. Yet it also retains all of the conventional alphanumeric labels, so you can use it as your regular day-to-day Mac or Windows computer keyboard too.

Swap Modifiers


  • From MacOS, go to the  Apple menu and choose “System Preferences” and then go to the “Keyboard” preference panel Choose the “Shortcuts” tab and then select ‘App Shortcuts’ from the left side menu Click on the “+” plus button to create a new keyboard shortcut on the Mac.
  • Mar 04, 2019 Mapping a joystick to WASD or arrow keys turn it from an analog input to a digital one, which can be less responsive, but you can configure the dead zones and other settings by clicking on the “L Stick” button in the middle. The joysticks also work well when mapped to the mouse, which brings back some analog control.
  • By selecting Key Mappings you can map any Mac keys to Windows keys. I had the problem that @ (shift-2) on the Mac produced '(shift-') in Windows. I have now mapped each one to the other i.e. Shift-2 to Shift-' and Shift-' to Shift-2, and it works fine.

Karabiner-Elements (was known as KeyRemap4MacBook) lets you do advanced key remapping.

Download at[Karabiner-Elements At ]

Karabiner is very advanced. You can:

  • Distinguish left Ctrl vs right Ctrl, remap Escape, remap Enter key.
  • Set Space bar to be Ctrl or ⌘ command when held down with another key, but as space itself when no other keys is pressed at the same time.
  • Set keys to be device dependent. i.e. You have 2 keyboard. You want F2 to do different things.

Change Keyboard Shortcut in App


Mac OS X since 10.4 (year 2005) lets you change keyboard shortcut in a specific app.

Go to System Preferences, Keyboard and Mouse, Keyboard Shortcuts. Then click the + sign add button.

Note: This mechanism is not very flexible, because:

  • Once you create a hotkey, the original key won't work anymore. (for example, if you set F3 to Copy, then ⌘ command+c won't work.)
  • It only lets you create a key for a action that has a menu. (for example, you cannot define a key to launch a app.)
  • Numerical keypad keys cannot be used as trigger. (For example, you cannot make the number pad keys as personalized extra function keys.)

Suppose you have a gaming mouse,and you've set buttons to do copy and paste, across any computer running macOS.But you've also madeF2 as copy on your home Mac, so you can do them easily from keyboard too.Now, your mouse copy button don't work anymore, because⌘ command+cno longer works.

Programable Keyboards

Get a programable keyboard with onboard memory. This is the best solution.Because you can plug the keyboard in any computer and it'll work with your settings.


See Programable Keyboards with Onboard Memory

or, get a programable keypad.

App Launcher

App launchers are primarily designed to launch apps, open files, run scripts.You set a key to do them, or, a hotkey that pops up a dialog, then type any letter to launch or search.

Quicksilver. A app launcher. Assign hotkey to launch/switch/open apps or files. The hotkey can be single key (For example, F1) or combo-key (For example, ⌘ command+F1).

Alfred Automation Tool

Hammerspoon Automation Tool

Using lua as scripting language.

Keyboard Maestro

Text Editor Key Behavior

aka DefaultKeyBinding.dict

This is macOS's system-wide mechanism, for creating keybinding to control cursor movement or editing operations.

See: macOS: Create Custom Keyboard Layout

USB Overdrive

USB Overdrive is low-level USB tool. It lets you remap key or mouse buttons at USB level.


[USB Overdrive By Alessandro Levi Montalcini. At ]

View Keypress and Keycode

Install[Karabiner-Elements At ]

It'll also install a “Karabiner-EventViewer”. It's in your Applications folder.

Launch it, and press key or mouse button and it'll show the keycode.


[ControllerMate At Commercial. USB interface mapper. Seems to let you remap any USB input device's signals in flexible ways, including mouse.]

[review of ControllerMate by Jonny, 2017-02-27.]

I've been using ControllerMate for several years now and I have to saythat it is really an amazing and extremely powerful piece of software,and very flexible! The developer is also very quick to respond to questionson the forum and to come up with solutions which require coding (custompatches or add ons to download, or updates to download- depending on thesituation). There is a bit of a learning curve! And while the interfaceis logical and straightforward, getting used to the basic underlying logicbehind it all takes some time. But I can't even begin to explain all theunique and creative things you can do with it.

But I'll give a could examples.. I quite easily was able to switcharound and re-program lots keys on my keyboard (KM0Z1-5N6P and was ableto physically switch the keys around as well to match), I also did somemore complicated reprogramming using the Apps/Menu key almost like a newmodifier, mainly to launch apps but also to access the higher Fn-keys (adding10 to what's printed on the keyboard — only up to F20 though which he saysis the MacOS limit).

I also customized my trackball so that if I double-middle-click-hold the ball becomes an any direction scroll “ball”.

Another major product was creating a very unique, customized programmingfor a Logitech G13. I did use the native software for just a couple offunctions- basically for setting up the backlight colors for the various“pages” and configuring the applets. One cool thing I did that I use allthe time is to setup the joystick to switch “Spaces” (Mission Control),and to move windows between my multiple monitors, and to move windows between“Spaces” depending on which of the adjacent button(s) I'm holding. It'sSUPER easy and convenient! I also use those buttons (pretty much designedto be mouse buttons) as shift-life modifiers to access deeper levels ofthe closer buttons (in addition to and unique for the 3 ‘main’ pages whichare built in). In some cases I set them up to trigger regular hotkeys,sometimes I create custom hotkeys with the keyboard control panel (typicallyusing combos involving keys that aren't even on my keyboard or that arevery difficult to type), and sometimes I have them trigger AppleScriptsthat native commands or use GUI control but only if the app is alreadyrunning.

Honestly that barely even scratches the surface of all the things Iknow that ControllerMate can do which is only a fraction of what it canreally do!

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If you have a question, put $5 at patreon and message me.


Ukelele is a Unicode Keyboard Layout Editor for the macOS.

Keyboard Mapping Tool For MacKeyboard mapping tool mac

The macOS supports an XML-based format for keyboard layouts (.keylayout files). However, modifying keyboard layouts—let alone creating entirely new keyboard layouts, such as for a new script—by directly editing the XML text is tedious and error-prone.

Ukelele aims to simplify keyboard layout editing by providing a graphical interface to .keylayout files, where the desired characters can simply be dragged onto keys as needed. (The Character Viewer or Character Palette, available in the Input menu if it has been enabled in System Preferences, and shown with Show Emoji & Symbols, is a great place to find the characters.)

In addition to simple assignment of single character codes to keys, Ukelele can assign multiple-character strings and can create “dead keys”, where a keystroke sets a new state that modifies the output of the following keystroke.

A more flexible, cross-plaform keyboard utility for macOS 10.7 (Lion) and later is Keyman. However, Keyman does not use the same .keylayout files as Ukelele and requires additional software to use.

Ukelele is written by John Brownie of SIL and is copyright ©2003-2019. This software is currently provided under a freeware license, but future versions will be released under an open source license.


Download the software using the links below. The .keylayout files may be installed by copying them to the Keyboard Layouts folder within /Library or ~/Library; then they are enabled via the Input Sources (Input in 10.5 and earlier) tab of the Keyboard (Language & Text in 10.9 and earlier, International in 10.5 and earlier) module within System Preferences.

Versions 3.3 and later require macOS 10.9 (Mavericks) or above. Version 3.2.7 requires macOS 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or above. Version 2.2.8 requires macOS 10.4 (Tiger) or above.

Ukelele 3.5.0for Mac
Ukelele 3.4.2for Mac
Ukelele 3.3.0for Mac
Ukelele 3.2.7for Mac
Ukelele 2.2.8for Mac
Ukelele 1.8.4for Mac
Keyboard Juggler 1.0for Mac

A companion application to Ukelele is Keyboard Juggler Gta vice city deluxe for mac torrent. , available for macOS 10.10 (Yosemite) and later. This is a simple application that allows you to move keyboard layouts in and out of the installation folders without having to use the Finder. It is not needed for Ukelele version 3.3 or later, as its functionality has been incorporated into Ukelele.

Detailed version history is provided on a separate page.


Keyboard Mapping Tool For Mac Shortcut

Keyboard mapping tool for mac windows 7

Feedback about the Ukelele tool is invited (see the Read Me file for contact information). This software is provided in the hope that it may be useful, but with no warranty, expressed or implied, and with no guarantee of support or future upgrades.

Keyboard Mapping Tool For Mac Download

There is also a user forum at Google Groups, the Ukelele Users group, available at


If you are unable to obtain support through the Google group, please contact us.

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