Mac Address Hack Phone

Already in the 1980s it was possible in the WDC-adapter drivers to replace the hardware MAC address with another address. So if I knew your MAC address and I saw that you left the subnet, I could pretend to be you (your computer), run a torrent server, send spam mails, threat mails, start hacking attempts, you name it.

Every day we see news about computers being hacked and how the cybercriminals make money off people clueless about the protection of their assets.

  1. There are a number of different iPhone hacking apps in the market. Some require you to jailbreak the target iPhone, and some only require the iCloud credentials. In this article, we’ll show you 5 simple ways to hack an iPhone remotely.
  2. Knowing how to hack a cell phone is useful. This is possible due to the fact Whatsapp choose to update and modify the private keys, needed for decryption at any given moment, without informing the user. Copy the downloaded Flexispy whatsapp hack apk on your desktop. Media Access Control (or MAC) address is a 12character unique identifier (e.
  3. đź“—LIMITED TIME!!! GET MY NEW BOOK FOR $1!đź“• The MacMakeup website is down. You can download now download it from this link:http.
  4. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to your phone or other device that essentially serves as its online identity. Find and write down your target’s MAC address. It takes the form of six pairs of letters or numbers, separated by colons (01:23:45:67:89:ab).

For someone not very technical, it may sound as if hackers are so powerful, and the only way to hide is to shut down all devices and go off the grid completely.

However, the truth is that there are several simple things one can do to make sure that we are reasonably safe when browsing the internet without affecting our ability to access the information we need.

Mac address hack phone number

Whether or not someone can hack into the computer or phone through WiFi depends on a person’s proximity to the WiFi router. If a cybercriminal in the range of access to the WiFi router, they can connect to the local network and perform various attacks, such as Man In The Middle attack.

If the hacker is outside of the WiFi range, then the way they attack will be different.

Let’s consider various scenarios of how the computer can be hacked and ways to protect your devices.

Mac Address Hack Phone

Hacking Computer Through Local WiFi

As you probably guessed, it is much easier to hack the computer, which is in close proximity to the hacker’s device.

For instance, your neighbor can connect to your WiFi and use your internet for free. Or you may connect to the free WiFi in the cafe or hotel, but someone already hacked the network, and now everyone, including you, is a potential target.

Or maybe you are using the office WiFi, and it was also hacked.

And it doesn’t have to be a computer, such as a Mac or PC. Your smartphone, iPhone, or Android, which uses the WiFi can be hacked as well.

Let’s see what hackers can do if they are physically connected to the WiFi you are using.

Man in the middle attack

If you have the internet at home from a cable, DSL, or fiber-optic provider, you have a router. Your computer does not directly connect to the internet; it sends and receives data by directing it through the router.

In layman terms, the process is the following:

  1. Your computer or phone finds a WiFi router.
  2. After submitting the correct password, the router sends back its MAC address. MAC address is an identifier of computer components, and in theory, it should be unique across billions of devices on the planet. The network card on your computer also has a unique MAC address.
  3. After you get the MAC address of the router, all internet activity will be going through the router. In the pic below, there is a MAC address next to each device on the local network, and the router’s address is 11:22:33:44:55:66.

When a hacker connects to the local WiFi router, it also finds the MAC address of the router. The hacker changes his computer’s MAC address to be the same as routers one (11:22:33:44:55:66 in the pic below).

Now, all devices on the local network connect to the hacker’s machine, and then the data flows to and from the router. So the hacker becomes a man in the middle (MITM).

Once this happened, the hacker can read all outgoing requests and incoming data using various tools that collect such data.

This means every time you enter a username and password on some web site or enter your credit card number, and it gets saved on the hacker’s machine. Also, every URL you are visiting also gets saved.

There are some limitations, obviously. For instance, if the website uses the HTTPS protocol (S at the end stands for Secure), all traffic is encrypted between your computer and cybercriminals will not be able to crack it (in most cases).

However, if the web site uses HTTP, all data, including the password, is in cleartext.


So, if you want to avoid your data being stolen, always check that web site is using a secure protocol (HTTPS). In the browsers, the secure protocol is usually displayed with a padlock icon next to the URL.

Never enter passwords or financial information on web sites with HTTP!

How the router can be hacked

When it comes to your home WiFi, there are three ways for someone outside to connect to the router:

  1. The router is not password protected
  2. You tell the password. For instance, you told the guest the password, or she looked it up on the router (if you didn’t change the default one)
  3. If the router is using an old authentication protocol

I am going to skip the first two and instead of focus on the last one. The authentication protocol used in with WiFi router is very important.

If your router is old, it is possible that it’s still using WEP protocol, then you should know that anyone who knows a little bit about hacking can hack the router literally in less than a minute.

So, if you have it enabled on your router, then go ahead and disable as I did.

What you should have is WPA2 with AES encryption. In the pic below, the authentication strength (protection from hacking) increases from top to bottom (WPA is less secure, and WPA2-PSK with AES is the most secure).

Some hackers employ a dictionary attack to crack WPA protocol, but it takes supercomputers to hack it. So as long as you are not a celebrity or a billionaire, nobody will spend so many resources to break into your network.

Usually, you can connect to the home router settings by going to the local IP address, such as

How to tell if someone hacked your router

One of the sure routers hacked signs is the existence of an unknown device connected to the local WiFi network.

As I explained above, in order to perform a man in the middle (MITM) attack, the hacker must connect to the WiFI network first. And if he’s connected, you can see him too.

One way to find out the connected devices is through the router settings. Some routers allow us to see all connected devices and kick them out if needed.

Another way is to use a network scanner app. For instance, I found a cool app called Fing. The app is available for almost all platforms: iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows.

It is free (with ads) and doesn’t even require creating an account in order to use it.

One cool feature they have is scanning for open ports.

For instance, when I scanned my MacBook Pro, I found that remote desktop and screen sharing features were enabled, and anyone could connect to my Mac remotely.

How to protect from a MITM attack

While it is possible to scan and find unknown devices on the home network, this approach will not work with public WiFi networks, such as the one in Starbucks or the hotel.

You would never know if the public network was compromised. In this case, the only way to protect your privacy is to use a VPN (a virtual private network).

When connected to VPN, your computer or phone creates a secure encrypted channel with the VPN server. After the connection is established, all requests go to the VPN server. The server makes all requests on your behalf and returns the results back to you.

From outside, it looks like the computer is sending some garbage to and back to the same computer. Even if the hacker collecting the information, he won’t be able to tell whether you’re connecting to or

When choosing a VPN software, follow these best practices:

  • Do not use a free VPN. They have significant limitations, and you know that good things are never free.
  • Test for speed. Some VPS are significantly faster than others.
  • Check the provider’s reputation. Since all requests now go through the VPN, technically, the VPN server becomes a man in the middle. So choose only reputable providers.

Personally, I am using NordVPN: it’s the fastest on the market and very inexpensive. It is available for multiple platforms: macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android.

If you use my NordVPN affiliate link you get a pretty steep discount for three-year plan for up to 6 devices.

Hacking Computer Remotely

We discussed ways to hack the computers and phones through local WiFi, but I know the question that most people ask is whether hackers can connect to the home network when they are on the other end of the world (or more than a hundred yards or meters away).

Fortunately, the answer is no, someone cannot get into your home network, even if they know the password if they are outside of the range (more than 300 feet).

Also, in most cases, hackers cannot get into your computer is off (link).

However, there are other ways to get into your system remotely. Do you remember a story of Bezos’s personal data being leaked?

Hack Phone Via Mac Address

In his case, he received a message on WhatsApp with malware attachment. When the malware was installed on his phone, it started sending the personal data to the server abroad.

Similarly, we are all at the risk of having malware installed on our computers and smartphones. Some malware open access to the device, so the hackers can access it remotely.

Or, the malware could be a keylogger, and in this case, even having HTTPS or a VPN will not help. A keylogger will record the keys pressed on the keyboard, and if it happens to be a credit card number, then the hacker will have it.

So, how to protect the devices from malware? You need to install an antivirus program.

There is a common myth that Macs cannot have viruses, but this is not true. I was able to inject my Mac with more than 100 malware samples when testing various antimalware solution.

You can check the results of my test and recommended antiviruses in my post: Best Malware Detection App for Mac.

Every time my friends and family ask me for a recommended antivirus, I go with Norton 360. It comes with the biggest bang for the buck and provides antimalware and other security features on all platforms. And it also has its own VPN!


We reviewed multiple ways how someone can hack into your phone or computer through WiFi. I also listed ways to prevent this from happening, which I wanted to reiterate.

If you worry about online security, consider investing in the following tools:

  • VPN software
  • Antivirus program

Be very cautious when connecting to public WiFi. I’d say if you don’t have VPN installed on a laptop or smartphone don’t use public WiFi, or at least avoid making purchases with a credit card or entering passwords.

If you are interested in the topic of security, there is a great course available on Udemy about ethical hacking. The instructor teaches how to hack computers ethically and most importantly what can you do to prevent from being targeted:

Learn Network Hacking From Scratch (WiFi & Wired)

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How to hack someone’s WhatsApp without their phone for free seems a question some parents and employers may ask. Do you think that your kids are chatting day and night on WhatsApp? Do you suspect that your employees are gossiping on WhatsApp with the company-offered mobile phones during working hours? Read this article to learn more about how to hack someone’s WhatsApp without their phone for free.

Why Do You Need to Hack WhatsApp?

Do you think you can’t hack WhatsApp messages without accessing the phone? Probably the most important reason behind monitoring messages is to ensure the online safety of family and friends. Read this article to learn more about how to hack someone’s Whatsapp without a free phone.

1. Protect Your Kids

Children often use WhatsApp to chat with netizens, and you cannot be sure whether these netizens will be harmful to the kids. So you need to hack WhatsApp to check your child ’s chat history and make sure your child is not in danger.

2. Monitor Your Employees

Some employees use social apps to chat with family or friends during work hours. As an employer, you need to ensure the efficiency of your employees. Hacking employees ’chat messages on social apps like WhatsApp to find out whether employees are lazy or have revealed company secrets.

3. Recover Deleted WhatsApp Messages

If you have forgotten your WhatsApp account password or accidentally deleted your WhatsApp messages, you can hack your WhatsApp account to retrieve the original record.

Also read: Hack Facebook with Z Shadow

3 Ways to Hack Someones WhatsApp

As young children and teenagers use WhatsApp to conveniently exchange messages, photos, and multimedia, it has become a magnet for attracting criminals. Tempt people into traps, such as forwarding indecent messages and sharing private details through WhatsApp. And, if your children or employees keep sticking to their smartphones and check WhatsApp messages both day and night, it ’s time to find out why. We have conducted in-depth research and comparison of the methods of hacking WhatsApp and selected the following three for your reference.

How to Hack WhatsApp Account without Target Phone with iKeyMonitor

iKeyMonitor is a hacking tool for iOS and Android devices. It monitors the WhatsApp application by recording keystrokes on the target device and periodically capturing screenshots. You can view WhatsApp chat history remotely via email to protect the safety of your children and increase the efficiency of your employees. Follow the three steps below to use iKeyMonitor for free!

1. Sign up
Firstly, register a free account of iKeyMonitor.

2. Download and Install
Then, log in to the Cloud Panel to download iKeyMonitor and install it on the target phone.

3. Start Spying
Now you can start monitoring remotely.

Hack Someone’s WhatsApp Without Their Phone for Free with WhatsApp Web

    1. Open Chrome Browser on your device and access the site:

    1. Tap on Settings and select Request Desktop Site.
    1. Access WhatsApp on the target device and tap on the Settings.
    2. Select WhatsApp Web/Desktop.

Hack Phone By Mac Address

    1. Scan the code on your device with the target device.
  1. Start hacking WhatsApp without access to the phone.

How to Hack WhatsApp without Access to the Phone Using Spoofing Method

    1. Uninstall WhatsApp out of your device.
    1. Get Wifi Mac Address of the target phone.
      • On an Android, Go to Settings> About Phone> Status> Wi-Fi MAC Address.
      • On an iPhone, Go to Settings> General> About> Wi-Fi Address.
      • On a Windows phone, Go to Settings> About> More info.

Mac Address Hack Phone Number

    1. Install Busy Box and Terminal Emulator from Google Play.

Mac Address Hack Phone App

  1. Change the Wi-Fi MAC Address on your device to the address of the target device with Busy Box and Terminal Emulator.
  2. Install WhatsApp and enter the phone number of the target device.
  3. Get the verification code on the target device and then delete it.
  4. Log in to WhatsApp with the verification code.

What Is iKeyMonitor WhatsApp Hack App?


iKeyMonitor is an excellent advanced phone monitoring application, you can remotely track important information on the target phone, including call logs, chat messages, etc. In addition to WhatsApp tracking, this powerful app also provides you with information about GPS location and installed apps. It provides both Android and iOS versions. You can view all monitoring records remotely.

  • Both Android and iOS versions are available.
  • It provides free monitoring plan.
  • It offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.

iKeyMonitor For WhatsApp Monitoring

iKeyMonitor monitors the messages sent and received on social chat apps. In addition to monitoring WhatsApp, it also monitors Skype, Facebook, WeChat, etc. Using this monitoring tool, you can keep track of the online activities of your children or employees.

1. Monitor WhatsApp Messages

This is one of iKeyMonitor’s most powerful features. You can use the monitoring app to track all WhatsApp conversations. You can even see the exchanged media files.

Hack Phone With Mac Address

2. Capture WhatsApp Screenshots

iKeyMonitor regularly captures screenshots on the target devices. In this way, you can not only view WhatsApp chat messages but also get someone’s WhatsApp account and password.

3. Record Keystrokes

Mac Address Hack Phone Imei

iKeyMonitor tracks all keystrokes typed on target iOS and Android devices, including all pasted text in WhatsApp, so that you can clearly understand what will happen on the target device.

These three methods can help you hack someone’s WhatsApp, you can choose the way that suits you. iKeyMonitor is a powerful and practical application, so you should understand that it is used for correct and sensible reasons. It is usually illegal to monitor someone, but if you are a parent or employer looking for some answers, no one can blame you. Before buying, you can use the free plan to experience the monitoring function of the application.

Mac Address Hack Phone Password

Also read: Gmail Hack – 5 Easy Ways to Hack Gmail Accounts in 2020

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