Which Mage Does The Dmg Dps

These rankings are for Shadowlands 9.0.2 level 60 (v16) using new raid gear profiles. Expect frequent updates throughout the weeks.

WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.0.2 DPS Rankings The damage output is simulated as a single-target Raid Fight in Patchwerk style, with a fight length of 240-360 seconds. You can find the simulations below. Top mage has mixture of TDS grp t2 gear, EM XVI focus, almsot max aa, only 1 spell dmg aug Second mage has 7465 aa, half TDS grp t2 gear, cotf t1 grp, and pretty much naked on non vis. EM XI focus, no additional spell dmg aug Bst is TDS t2 grp with some rest cotf t2 grp, EM XI focus.

These rankings are created using SimulationCraft, a program that is highly tested and trusted for simulating in-game encounters with characters.
We use SimulationCraft because simulators permit a high degree of control by allowing us to use specific talents, rotations, gear, possible boss mechanics, etc. to arrive at repeatable results that can be compared across specs and time. Also, simulators allow us to average out results from thousands of fights to get a feel for how a spec performs all of the time and not in one amazing fight.
If you are curious to learn about the simulation fight encounters of Max and Real, we recommend to read our past articles that describe them in Part I and Part II.

  1. With that group composition, I would expect Mage to produce higher average DPS than Wiz. Monk masters aura and shaman ADPS will give mage pet a massive boost. Throw bard juice + kitty crack in the mix, it’ll help a mage + pet perform better than wiz imo. Ports and evac are great utility but so is CoTH.
  2. The mage does well at debuffing their enemies and dropping lots of DPS (damage per second). In a group setting, this class should stay in the outfield and deal damage from afar much like the archer. These are the best spell options for mages when playing in the standard story version of the game where it is player versus everything.

The damage meters for my boss fights look very different than these rankings. Why?
There are any number of reasons why in-game results will differ from simulated (or log based) results. A few common differences include the following.

  • Fight Length: Dungeons and LFR raids often have shorter fight durations which can result in much higher DPS as the value of DPS cooldowns is greatly increased in short fights.
  • Multiple Targets: The current DPS rankings offer strictly single-target and splash-AoE (1 main target+2). There are scenarios in-game where there are a lot more targets which can allow for much more aggressive AoE.
  • Player Variables: Skill, latency, gear, a lucky string of crits, etc. can all significantly impact in-game DPS. Rankings can help represent general trends, but they’ll rarely predict the outcome of a specific encounter with all its unique factors.

How do these rankings compare to other sources that use raid logs to show spec comparisons?
Raid log sites offer a perspective on how some of top players are performing with each spec. These rankings can be helpful to understand how specs are faring in the current raid tier and often reveal unexpected synergies between specific specs and boss encounters. However, log based sites are subject to their own data problems including players who artificially boost their DPS by employing technical or social exploits, changes in popularity of specs, uneven sample sizes, and generally unrepeatable or uncontrolled results.
While simulators allow us to get a feel for how a spec performs all of the time through averaging out thousands of fight results, it is important to note that simulators are generally weak when modeling specific fights in a raid tier, and additionally they rely on data that is as good as the theorycrafting community is able to produce.
Overall, no single DPS ranking is perfect and they should all be considered when evaluating specs. Simulators and log based solutions both offer value to the WoW community.


Which Mage Does The Dmg Dps Bfa

It has a similar DMG as lighting zap III.The set of the wicked is called General Mage now, and it's crafted at the Enchanted Altar.The Hollow King drops the powerful critical cape, however, it's not like Watchman Cape.

Which Mage Does The Dmg Dps Builds

These rankings are for Shadowlands 9.0.2 level 60 (v16) using new raid gear profiles. Expect frequent updates throughout the weeks.

Which Mage Does The Dmg Dps Bis

These rankings are created using SimulationCraft, a program that is highly tested and trusted for simulating in-game encounters with characters.
We use SimulationCraft because simulators permit a high degree of control by allowing us to use specific talents, rotations, gear, possible boss mechanics, etc. to arrive at repeatable results that can be compared across specs and time. Also, simulators allow us to average out results from thousands of fights to get a feel for how a spec performs all of the time and not in one amazing fight.
If you are curious to learn about the simulation fight encounters of Max and Real, we recommend to read our past articles that describe them in Part I and Part II.

The damage meters for my boss fights look very different than these rankings. Why?
There are any number of reasons why in-game results will differ from simulated (or log based) results. A few common differences include the following.

  • Fight Length: Dungeons and LFR raids often have shorter fight durations which can result in much higher DPS as the value of DPS cooldowns is greatly increased in short fights.
  • Multiple Targets: The current DPS rankings offer strictly single-target and splash-AoE (1 main target+2). There are scenarios in-game where there are a lot more targets which can allow for much more aggressive AoE.
  • Player Variables: Skill, latency, gear, a lucky string of crits, etc. can all significantly impact in-game DPS. Rankings can help represent general trends, but they’ll rarely predict the outcome of a specific encounter with all its unique factors.

How do these rankings compare to other sources that use raid logs to show spec comparisons?
Raid log sites offer a perspective on how some of top players are performing with each spec. These rankings can be helpful to understand how specs are faring in the current raid tier and often reveal unexpected synergies between specific specs and boss encounters. However, log based sites are subject to their own data problems including players who artificially boost their DPS by employing technical or social exploits, changes in popularity of specs, uneven sample sizes, and generally unrepeatable or uncontrolled results.
While simulators allow us to get a feel for how a spec performs all of the time through averaging out thousands of fight results, it is important to note that simulators are generally weak when modeling specific fights in a raid tier, and additionally they rely on data that is as good as the theorycrafting community is able to produce.
Overall, no single DPS ranking is perfect and they should all be considered when evaluating specs. Simulators and log based solutions both offer value to the WoW community.

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