Does Serration Apply To Crit Dmg Warframebudgetbrown

So, I have crit chance, crit damage, and serration. Is there any reason I shouldn't just put elemental mods in any remaining slots? I have fire, toxin, cold, and electricity mods. Damage in Warframe is pretty complicated just like the rest of the game. The amount of damage you do to a given enemy depends on the type of physical damage you’re dealing, what kind of elemental mods you have equipped, if those combine into more powerful elements, and much more. Puncture damage's proc effect makes the target do 30% less damage while affected. Like elemental mods, there are also mods out there that increase your physical damage, but the common ones don't give you much, so I wouldn't recommend you to even bother using them. Max Serration when possible (those last few levels are always a pain), get rid of Piercing Hit (it just doesn't add enough damage), get rid of Ammo Drum (if you need more ammo, use an Arrow Mutator mod instead), get a Split Chamber mod (essentially double damage), remove Agile Aim, add Vital Sense (Paris Prime is a crit weapon, so make those crits hurt), and additional elemental mods to really.

Warframe Damage Mechanics Guide by KGeddon

So how much damage does each shot do?

To determine the damage of an weapon, apply the upgrade tree damage nodes as multiplicative. Then add up your damage mods(don’t forget when you apply it to add 1 so the base damage stays). For example, a level 30 Latron with 5 damage nodes and +22%/+21%/+20%/+17% damage mods.

48*1.8=86.4 normal damage(rounds to 86)

Now, if I were to add a 25% armor piercing mod(4 slots for damage and 1 for AP), I would do 86 normal damage and 21 armor piercing damage.
If I had a 6th mod slot(rifles only have 5 mod slots) and put in another 25% armor piercing mod, I would do 86 normal damage and 42 armor piercing.
If I had a 7th mod slot and put in a 25% freeze mod, I would do 86 normal damage, 42 armor piercing damage, and 21 freeze damage.

Shotguns fire a specific amount of pellets with a specific base damage. HEK = 8@18 dmg, Strun = 10@12 dmg, Boar = 5@12 dmg. Each pellet has it’s own damage calculation and crit check. This means all upgrade nodes and mods must be applied to each pellet individually. For example, a single +2% damage on a level 1 strun/boar does nothing(2% of 12 is .24, which gets rounded down to 12, or 0 in the case of elemental damage).

Elemental damage(AP/Fire/Freeze/Lightning) is determined by the mod value and your normal damage. You do not get more damage by adding all the elements together(Using a weak element is around 1/4 to 1/8th the strength of an element strong against that opponent). Fire should only be used against infested and lightning only against corpus. Freeze has a nice secondary and decent damage. Armor piercing is great against anything except infested runners/leapers/chargers.

Crits take the damage of a hit and multiply it by crit damage. Nothing is bypassed, no weird mechanisms. All elemental damage is subject to the same multiplier(if a projectile crits, ALL damage from that projectile is multiplied by crit damage). Shotguns calculate the crit chance on each projectile, as does multishot. One thing to note, crit damage tree nodes are +10% multiplicative(2.2 crit damage multiplier with 4 nodes). Crit damage MODS are additive. +50% crit damage is only worth .75 multiplier, and +100% is only worth 1.5. Sorry, you cannot get to 70x crit multiplier.

Shields and armor(i.e. stuff you have to deal with to kill mobs)

Shields-Take full damage from all damage except freeze, which does double damage. There is no locational damage to shields(no headshots, sorry). If you break a shield and still have damage remaining, 1 point of the remaining damage goes away and the rest is applied to health.

Armor(grineer normal/shield/elite, infested crawler body, Ancient body/head, Corpus crewman)-Reduces all damage by a base amount with a per level scaling reduction.

66% reduction for normal/shield grineer body shots
around 20% for grineer elite body shots(Rare spawns = few data points. ;_;)
50% reduction for crawler body shots
33% reduction for nauseous crawler body shots
25% reduction for ancient head shots
75% reduction for ancient body shots
100% reduction for Corpus Crewmember head shots
20% reduction for Corpus Crewmember body shots

Armor ignoring melee weapons ignore all reductions for the normal damage they apply(flat or per level), Armor piercing elemental damage does flat damage subject to a multiplier, and piercing mods do not confer armor piercing. If fire or lightning hits a non-vital area on an armored mob, it will be subject to per level decreases(but vital shots with a mobs elemental weakness are always flat)

Elemental(AP/Fire/Freeze/Lightning) is applied first. If this kills the enemy, it does not count as being killed by that weapon. If the target is not dead, normal damage is applied. If it is a shotgun, each pellet is applied when it hits. If at any time an enemy dies, damage will stop being calculated and displayed. Therefore, if any elemental damage is enough to kill something alone, you will not see the remaining normal/elemental damage numbers.

Likewise, if a shotgun/multishot kills something and there are still pellets/bullets hitting, those bullets are now hitting a corpse and will not show damage numbers(They will however show blood spatters, sparks, etc)

Grineer-Everything armored except melee Grineer

Normals(trooper, lancer, etc)-Head weak point, armored everywhere(no flat reduction on headshots)
Headshots Normal= 100% – ~1.3%/lvl, AP=300%, Fire= 75% – 1%/lvl, Freeze= 33% – 1%/lvl, lightning= 40% – 1.25%/lvl
Bodyshot= headshot normal dmg / 3 (armor), all elemental = half of headshot

Sawmen-100% on body shots, 300% normal damage and 200% elemental damage on headshots

Shield Grineer-As normals, but 2 levels behind

Bombadier/Gunner-Head weak point, armored everywhere(no flat reduction on headshots)
Note:Highest encountered was level 23
Headshots= normal = 200% @ level 8 – .5% level, AP = 200%, fire < 100%, lightning/freeze > 100%
Body= normal = headshot / 3, AP= 100%, fire/lightning/freeze= headshot / 2

Commander-normal= same as bombadier/gunner, immune to lightning/fire damage, AP/freeze not tested

Infested-Ancient heads/bodies and crawler bodies armored

Normals(chargers, leapers, runners)-Head weak point, no armor, staggered by fire
100% on body shots, 200% damage on headshots, AP & Lightning=50% body, 1x head, Fire= 2x body, 4x head,Freeze= 1xbody, 2x head

Ancients(Disruptor, Toxic, Healer)Lower legs/arms weakpoint, head lightly armored, body armored, staggered by fire, Immune to lightning
Feet/hands/shins/forearms= Normal 100%, AP=100% Fire=200%, Freeze=100%, lightning = ZERO
Head=75% – 1%/lvl, AP=200% Fire=75% – .5%/lvl Freeze= 50% – 1.5%/lvl, lightning = ZERO
Body=Headshot normal damage / 3 (armor), AP/Fire/Freeze = half of headshot damage, lightning = ZERO

Nauseous Crawler-Head weak point(2x), forearms/hands/shins/feet weak point(1x), Bodies armored
head= 200% normal/freeze AP/lightning=100% Fire = 400%
forearms/hands/shins/feet = 100% normal/freeze AP/lightning=50% Fire = 200%
body= 66% normal-.5%/lvl, AP = 50%, Fire = Slightly over 125%-?/lvl, Freeze= 50%-?/lvl, Lightning = 50%-?/lvl

Crawler-Head weak point(2x), forearms/hands/shins/feet weak point(1x), Bodies armored
head= 200% normal/freeze AP/lightning=100% Fire = 400%
forearms/hands/shins/feet = 100% normal/freeze AP/lightning=50% Fire = 200%
body= 50% normal-.5%/lvl, AP = 50%, Fire = 100%-?/lvl, Freeze = 50%-?/lvl, Lightning = 50%-?lvl

Corpus-Crewmen armored

Crewman-armored EVERYWHERE. Armor ignoring melee does full damage. Staggered by lightning
Head immune to normal, AP=2000%, Fire=100%, Freeze=200%, Lightning = 400%
Body 81%-(.5%/lvl), AP=100%, Fire=33%-?%/lvl(damage too low to say) Freeze=75% – .33%/lvl Lightning=160% – 1%/lvl

Moa – Weak point is midsection/gun. Staggered by lightning
Shielded=100% normal/AP/Fire/freeze, Freeze=200%
Legs=100% normal/AP/freeze, Fire= 50%, Lightning=200%
Midsection/gun=200% normal/AP/freeze, Fire = 100%, Lightning =400%

Osprey 100% normal/AP/Fire/Freeze, 200% Lightning

Cameras-200% lightning. Very very very low HP.

To wrap this all up:

Armor Piercing is very effective against the Grineer, always gives flat bonuses, and does well against pretty much everything(only less than 100% on non-vital hits on infested runners/chargers/leapers/crawlers).

Freeze doesn’t do good damage, but makes Ancients much easier to deal with(moving slower makes their feet/hands move around less, and their charge becomes hilariously slow).

Fire is a subpar damage source vs anything but infested(and only staggers infested)

Lightning is a subpar damage source vs anything but Corpus(and only staggers Corpus)

Normal damage is good when shooting at anything, as long as you know where to shoot. Additionally, it is what is used to determine the strength of elemental damage.

The Soma Prime, a primary weapon, is a prime variant of the Soma, an assault rifle of Tenno design.


The Soma Prime is the Prime variant of the Soma, retaining most of its stats with a few changed as well.

The Soma Prime has the following base stats:

  • Accuracy: Has a 28.6 able to accurately hit enemies at low to medium ranges.
  • Critical Chance: Has a 30% chance to deal critical hits per shot.
  • Critical Multiplier: Shots deal 3x more damage on critical hits.
  • Fire Rate: Fires around 15 shots per second.
  • Capacity of 200 shots per magazine. (100 for Soma Prime)
  • Noise: Shots are alarming and will alert enemies when fired.
  • Reload: Takes 3 seconds to reload a new magazine.
  • Status: Has a 10% chance to proc status effects per shot.
  • Trigger: Automatic – weapon fires and continues to fire when trigger is held down.
  • Damage Types: Deals 1.2 Impact, 4.8 Puncture and 6.0 Slash damage.

The Soma Prime requires a Mastery Rank of 7 before it may be used by players and built using its blueprints and Prime parts.

  • Contains all 3 physical damage types
  • High critical chance
  • Moderate status chance
  • High fire rate
  • No projectile travel time
  • Great range
  • 2 Polarities
  • Very large magazine size
  • Large max ammo capacity
  • Requires mastery rank of 7
  • Low base damage
  • Slightly slow reload time
  • No elemental damage


The Soma Prime may be crafted with its blueprint and parts which may be obtained by opening relics or by trading with other players.

These contain the blueprint and parts required to craft the Soma Prime:

  • Blueprint: Lith M1, Meso B3, Neo S1
  • Barrel: Lith M2, Neo S3
  • Receiver: Lith S3, Neo N1, Neo N9
  • Stock: Lith S2, Meso S1, Axi S4

All of the relics are currently vaulted but ones that players currently possess may still be opened.


Suggested Builds

The Soma Prime has a high rate of fire and ammo capacity allowing it to unload several rounds along with its high critical chance making it easier to deal critical hits.

It also has a moderate status chance which may also apply status procs. Depending on the mods the user selects they may put these to their advantage.

Below are a few sample builds:

Does Serration Apply To Crit Dmg Warframe Budget Brown Skin

Critical Build

For our Soma Prime critical build we add the usual Serration for an increase in overall damage along with Split Chamber giving multishot to the build.


Vital Sense and Point Strike are added to bolster its critical chance and critical multiplier for a huge increase in damage.

We add 2 elemental damage mods to give elemental damage to the build along with Shred for an increased rate of file and punch through.

This build makes use of the Soma Prime’s high rate of fire along with its decent critical chance in order to deal successive critical hits within a small amount of time.

Since the weapons has a large magazine capacity, firing multiple rounds should not be any trouble and the quicker the rate of fire is, the faster you gain chances to deal critical hits.

Headshot Build

This build is a modified version of the previous one where we exchange Heavy Caliber, removing the accuracy penalty and add Argon Scope.

Argon Scope will give a buff that increases critical chance when zoomed in upon dealing a headshot to enemies.

Does Serration Apply To Crit Dmg Warframe Budget Brown Recluse

As long as a headshot occurs, the buff will have a certain amount of time to a higher critical chance from there on successive shot will all be affected by the buff.

This build is great for marksmen, especially those you like to aim for the enemy’s heads, using this build will guarantee critical hits.

Status Build

Retaining only a few of the previous mods, we replace half of the mods in the build with elemental damage and status mods.

The elements in the build may be changed when rearranging the mods.

This build focuses on causing status effects by firing multiple rounds, status effects may occur causing their respected effect along with the normal weapon fire.

Does Serration Apply To Crit Dmg Warframe Budget Brown House

This build is great for dealing different sources of damage when necessary.

Hybrid Build

The hybrid build is a mixture of both the critical and status chance within the build and a few mods from each to form up the combination.

The hybrid build is focused on dealing both critical hits as well as status effects to top off the damage.

This build is great for dealing all sorts of damage from normal shots to critical hits and from area of effect status effects to damage over time.

These are not the only builds available for the Soma Prime, but they are pretty useful in many situations.

There are tons of ways to mod this weapon and it all can vary depending on the user and their choice of mods.


The Soma Prime has one of the largest ammo reserves and magazine capacity in the game.

Along with its high rate of fire and decent critical chance, it is easy to get successive critical hits against enemies.

Due to its high fire rate, chances for both critical and status effects are good regardless of the base stats.

The Soma Prime is great for taking on crowds of enemies from low to medium range and has a decent accuracy to go with it.

An assault rifle with the magazine capacity of a heavy machine gun, now that’s a weapon you would want to bring to a battle.

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